Institutional Environment

Country High-level statements Budget National Monitoring Stakeholder engagement

Q:Since January 1st 2018, has any official statement been made by a high ranking official (Head of State and/or Cabinet Member) endorsing the implementation of the SDGs at the national level?

Q: In the latest central/federal budget document, are the SDGs mentioned? Are the terms “Sustainable Development Goals”, “SDGs” and “Agenda 2030” accepted?

Q: Has the National Statistical Institute or any mandated central/ federal institutions identified official key national indicators to monitor implementation of the SDGs? (mapping SDG indicators to KPI in national development plans)

Q: Have comprehensive stakeholder engagement mechanisms been developed to inform the implementation of the SDGs?

Bahrain Yes Yes Yes Yes
Egypt Yes
Iraq No No Yes Yes
Jordan No Yes No Yes
Libya No No Yes No
Morocco Yes Yes Yes Yes
Oman Yes No Yes Yes
Qatar Yes Yes Yes Yes
Saudi Arabia Yes Yes Yes Yes
State of Palestine Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sudan Yes Yes Yes Yes
Syrian Arab Republic
Tunisia Yes No Yes Yes
United Arab Emirates Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yemen Yes Yes Yes Yes